Hi there,

Are you looking for an English trainer to accompany you preparing for TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS? Or are you looking for an English trainer to accompany you learning or maintaining English skills? If you are, then you're visiting the correct website. Welcome!

My name is Julian Kym. I have been an English trainer since 1999, and currently teaching at English First Matraman and STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi, as well as doing my own private tutoring and translating.

At EF Matraman I am trusted to teach Smallstars, Highflyers, Trailblazers, Frontrunners, TOEFL Prep, and Business English. It is not easy to get a teaching job at EF as they require teachers who speak English almost like native speakers do and have the experiences of teaching children and adults. At STKIP Panca Sakti, I am trusted to teach Listening, Speaking, Speaking 3, Advanced Speaking, TOEFL 1, TOEFL 2, Teaching Methodology, and ESL Teaching Strategy. For your information, STKIP Panca Sakti is a teacher school, so we can say that I teach people how to teach English there.

Before that, I taught for TEC, LPIA, Flash English, Stamford College, Azzahra University. At TEC, I was an Academic Coordinator and trusted to teach all kinds of English teaching service and manage all the teachers. At LPIA, I taught TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS and ESP (English for Specific Purposes, e.g: Corporate Training). For LPIA, I gave a Teacher Training at SMAN 5 Bekasi and TOEFL Prep at Poltekkes Jakarta III. I also gave a Teacher Training at Al-Azar Rawamangun and Jaka Sampurna for Flash English. For Stamford College, I pair taught English Conversation classes with native speaker teachers at SMAN 12 JKT, SMAN 48 JKT, and SMAN 71 JKT. At Azzahra University, I taught General English, English Conversation, and Business English.

That's all I can tell you about me for now. Please contact me if you need to know further about me. My phone number is 0852-3040-4000 and my Facebook page is MR KYM. I also have a twitter account, but I don't tweet as often as I did two years ago now.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you'll find a good English trainer to accompany you in your learning. Amen!

Best Regards,


CALL/SMS: 0852-3040-4000
WA/LINE: (021) 400-225-20